Your Agriculture Expert
05 Mar 2022

Why organic fertilizer is better

Organic fertilizers release nutrients as they break down, improving the soil and its ability to hold water and nutrients. Given time, they make your soil and plants healthier and hardier.Organic and conventional fertilizers are safe for lawns and the environment as long as they are used properly. The process of how plants absorb nutrients is the same whether they come from an organic or inorganic fertilizer, so, from the grasses’ perspective, it doesn’t really matter which type of fertilizer you use.

25 Feb 2020

Why Organic farming

Organic farming is defined as the system of production that is capable of avoiding or majorly block the use of pesticide, synthetically compounded fertilizers, livestock feed additives and growth regulators. To the paramount extent, flexible organic farming system relies upon crop residues, green manure, pest weeds, crop rotations, off- farm organic wastes, legumes, aspects of biological pest control insects, animal manures, and etc.

Methods of organic farming are used widely in developing countries, majorly because of economics and a fewer resources of chemicals. Yet they are emerging as widely approved concepts in the developed countries as a result of years of harmful industry chemicals.

Current Farming Process

The technology of Green revolution, especially in India, has led to multi-fold aggrandizing in the production of food grains, but, simultaneously it has asked for demands on farm power, water, and fertilizer. The intensive cropping effect has shown results through deteriorating of the tilth of the soil and decreasing content of organic matter. Apart from this, the high levels of chemical inputs is contributing to pollution and resulting in further deterioration of soil health. Also, the rising use of agro- chemical is constantly resulting in water pollution and deterioration in healthy atmospheric conditions. It has affected the production of crops and degraded human health as well.


24 Feb 2020

What is Soil pH?

A soil’s pH is the measure of its acidity or alkalinity based on a scale of 0 to 14. Zero represents very strong acidity, while on the other hand fourteen is extreme alkalinity, and seven is neutral. The pH of an ideal soil in a farm should be in the range of 6.0 to 7.5. If the pH becomes a little imbalanced, it directly affects the availability of nutrients in the soil. Products with limestone are applied to soil that is sour or acidic, while alkaline soils require sulphur products to be applied. Adjusting the pH of a farm’s soil may take few years but is crucial to carry out the task gradually for proper nutrient uptake and plant health.


24 Oct 2015

Why Soil Testing?

Knowing the exact nutrient found in your farm soil and the pH is the first step of any healthy crop production program. Crops are usually grown on a very wide variety of soil types and different fertilizer requirements, depending with the soil health and condition. Application of many nutrients can result to imbalance in soil […]